Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Single Family Home Design Sketch

Here is a simple one-level plan residential sketch done a while ago which entailed a spirited sketching process.

Notice the solar electric PV's on the south-facing entry roof.  Skylights punctuate interior spaces with dazzling daylight.  An arbor covers a west-facing terrace with great views of surrounding hills.  There's a classic progression from open communal areas to quiet spaces such as bedrooms and home office areas.  

A contemplative garden with morning sun directly connects to the master bedroom.  

The approximately 2,000 sf horizontal design could add a loft or story and a half for additional bedrooms and living spaces upstairs.  A detached garage and garden barn would be a short walk away.  Expressed heavy timber framing in the living area and master bedroom brings in a rugged mountain aesthetic.

Interested in learning more? 
You can find us now at www.arocordisdesign.com, the website of our Montpelier, Vermont-based residential architecture firm practice Arocordis Design. If you want to contact us there, click on this link

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