Sunday, September 12, 2010

Architecture Biennale_Rem Koolhaas on History and OMA's exhibit

I had the pleasure of viewing this short interview of Rem Koolhaas held recently at the Architecture Biennale in Venice, Italy. He talks about the work of OMA and their relationship / dialogue with history in their projects. Over OMA's long history of built and built work they've consistently been in constant dialogue about what it means to be of the present while relating to the past. So often their projects offer truly remarkable reinterpretations of spatial experiences, programming and functioning of spaces. The results are works which leave you with a sense of wonder and intrigue.

There's also an interesting exhibit about life beyond Architecture called
Out there!. Check out this link to a photographic series of various takes on architectural space and design.
Rem Koolhaas interviewed by Hans Ulrich Obrist at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2010. Produced by the Institute of the 21st Century with support from ForYourArt, The Kayne Foundation, Brenda R. Potter, Catherine and Jeffrey Soros (from Biennale site)

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