A Simple Line -Winter's Frosting
copyright Stephen M. Frey, 2011 |
Is writing a blog post a good idea with an Apple iTouch? Or a similar smart device? I think so.
Here's why.
Maybe it maximizes the reader's experience of whatever I'm sharing and is respectful of their time. Writing from such a device ensures I say only so much as I am not fluent in typing on such a small screen. Yet. Or maybe never. So the device helps focus the writer's attention on saying only what matters most.
The small size also means it's portable so it can go with me wherever I go. Perhaps having it around will make it easier to post more frequently about ideas, trends, people influencing designcultivation.blogspot.com.
The small form factor shapes how you respond to the urge to write about something essentially. Here's a question; what if you adopt this mentality using a laptop or writing an email?
See the recent Email Charter or the movement to keep emails short with voluntary following of the three sentences or five sentences rule (see threesentences.com, foursentences.com, fivesentences.com)? In the interest of promoting quality time away from email you can do your best to adhere to the policy of writing and responding in 3-5 sentences.
Writing in the active rather than passive voice while using simple verbs and adjectives, energizes your text not deadens it. Maybe this will activate the conversation? Can't hurt?
Over the last year I have steadily seen people write emails to me with much simpler language. Usually they have only one or two ideas they're focusing on. Maybe I'm a little slow but I figured out recently they're writing from a smart phone or texting from a cell phone. Detail is out. Brevity in. They don't have a choice. The device drives the communication style.
They also might be using their intuition when they realize they're writing something very detailed and recognize its better to cut to the chase and call someone or visit them face to face about what you're writing about or responding to. Try it, especially before you hit the send button, before you inflict irreversible pain on yourself and others. Life is too short. I have learned the hard way, believe me.
So since I'm not very bright but catch on after a while I'm thinking this is a good idea. So look for simpler communications of all types from designcultivation, Stephen M. Frey on LinkedIN, @designcultivate or @arocordisdesign on Twitter, or arorcordisdesign on Facebook.
I include an image from last Winter in keeping with the spirit of this post. "A Simple Line". That's my mantra for 2012 and beyond. What's yours?
Do you have any communication tips and suggestions balancing the needs of short and long form online media, paper media, especially as it relates to the design fields? Please share!